Studio News

Remote Recital #4 - Spring 2021

Tuesday, May 4, 2021 by Graham Yates | Student Recordings

For this remote recital, students were invited in-person to the studio to record. For many, it was their first time in the new studio space, and also meeting Mr. Graham for the first time in-person! It was also a transitional experience from playing at home on students' own keyboards only for over a year, to having to adjust to another instrument in a flash. A skill and a challenge all pianists can relate to!  

Next time (hopefully): live performances!  


00:18 Teagan - Twinkle & Honeybee 

01:18 Fiona - Lightly Row & Honeybee 

01:55 Nico - Cuckoo & Lightly Row 

3:09 Octavia - Cuckoo & Go Tell Aunt Rhody 

4:09 Suria - London Bridge & Go Tell Aunt Rhody 

5:04 Chloe - Go Tell Aunt Rhody 

5:35 Aattoja - Mary Had a Little Lamb & Go Tell Aunt Rhody 

6:29 Saaz - Little Playmates & Go Tell Aunt Rhody 

07:23 Jose - Allegretto 1 & Chant arabe 

08:40 Daniel - Ecossaise & Minuet 1 

10:59 Madhav - A Short Story & The Happy Farmer 

12:56 Ashley - The Happy Farmer & Minuet 1 

15:07 Iggy - Crazy Comics & Courageous Cat 

16:10 Khashvi - The Song of Twilight & Left Alone 

18:19 Vivica - The Sparkling Brook & The Avalanche 

20:40 Anvitha - The Song of Twilight 

22:04 Tesla - The Happy Farmer & Sonatina in F (Diabelli) 

24:21 Cylee - Sonatina in G (Latour) 

25:42 Bruce - Prelude in E minor (Chopin) 

28:22 Eleanor - Pomp and Circumstance 

29:55 Apoorva - Etude in G (Czerny) & Jumping Competition 

33:02 Samaya - River City Blues 

34:42 Vince - Mia and Sebastian 

36:40 Leena - Blue Habanera